Jumat, 15 September 2017

New iPod Classic FM Transmitter Bring Music to Life

If you are like other iPod Classic owners, you crave a way to listen to your music in your vehicle when you don't have an built-in auxiliary jack.

You really have two choices, the first is to listen with headphones. Most states are now aggressively attacking rights of individuals inside vehicles and listening to head phones will soon be illegal. The second choice is to plug your iPod classic into an FM transmitter.

A transmitter takes the music or audio from your iPod and turns it into a radio signal, once it's transformed into a radio signal, the FM radio will be able to reproduce it on the same frequency setting as your wireless transmitter.

This enables you to play your music and stream it from your iPod car adapter to any FM radio. It safely mobilizes your music and makes it safer to listen to in your vehicle. Which in the end, will make you a safer and happier driver, because everyone likes listening to their jams while driving.

But there is a slight catch I should try to explain to you, in case you didn't know, not all transmitters are constructed or engineered the same. They each have their own unique abilities and some are better than others.

Breaking them down to the core, there are three main differences at the core of every iPod car FM transmitter. First is the distance, second is sound clarity and the third is FM frequency selection. All are tied to together when broadcasting your music through an FM radio.

Let me explain how distance correlates with sound. Most transmitters will broadcast audio from a selected source 15-30 feet, which is fine for in car use. It's when you step outside the boundaries of your vehicle and desire to listen to your iPod Classic will you run into problems.

For instance, let's say you want to play your music through your home stereo and listen to it on the FM radio on the second floor of your bathroom. Well if the second floor is more than 30 feet away, then the broadcast signal will never reach the radio. It will work fine on the home stereo if it's within 30 feet, but will not work on any radio outside of 30 feet. The further the broadcast distance, the better the FM transmitter.

In regards to sound clarity, you want to replicate the sound you would hear from the headphones. Which brings all of the above elements into play, a stronger broadcast signal leads to cleaner reproduction of sound. The ability to choose any frequency off the public FM band lets you then select clearest signal.

In conclusion, three vital elements need to be present when you search for an iPod Classic FM Transmitter, without all three working together to give you're the best sound broadcast. You will be left listening to a steady stream of static.

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