Music teaching can really be fun, exciting, rewarding and challenging at the same time. The teachers themselves need to possess maximum levels of motivation, passion and determination in order to set a god example to students. While piano lessons give us all a chance to learn how to bring beautiful music to life through the keys, they offer us a great deal more as well. The piano offers you a chance to achieve something truly special, regardless of whether you are young or old. There are a host of benefits beyond the music that will last for the rest of your life, and make every practice session and frustrating lesson well worth it.
Since everyone learns in their own way, it can be difficult to find a piano teacher that is adaptable enough for your individual learning style. In fact, most people quit taking piano lessons because they had a bad experience with a piano teacher. Sometimes teachers get so caught up in the teaching experience that they lose focus and forget that they are supposed to be there to support their students. If you don't have a good learning experience, then you will not want to continue taking lessons, and you may never want to take piano lessons again. If you are essentially your own teacher, then you will have a higher success rate.
When attempting to find the right style of piano to play, you want to think about how major you are about learning. You will find some pianos are extremely expensive, and this type of piano may not be necessary for someone who is just starting out. Pianos do tend to hold their value, and if you take good care of it you can probably sell it many years later for a decent price when you are ready to replace it with something newer.
Learning online through an online piano course is a great way to play in your own home without having to fuss with scheduling or finding a teacher. You decide when you would like to learn your next lesson, as well as when you have the confidence to move on to the subsequent music lesson. Many people are already finding out how easy it so to learn how to play the piano on their own.
Piano lessons are definitely wonderful for learning how to play the music that you love. Regardless of whether you have a specific genre or you like to play a little of everything, the music is powerful. You are powerful when you play and you know it. As you feel the music flow through you and out onto the keys you can be transformed and it feels wonderful. Anyone can grab the best that the piano has to offer. They just need to commit to all it asks of you in return.
Selasa, 28 November 2017
Sabtu, 11 November 2017
Why The World Needs More Music Teachers
Music is a key to the soul. When we talk, our inflections create interest in our words and convey emotions. Whenever someone speaks in monotone, you don't even want to listen. Why? The music is missing. Music is everywhere from shopping malls to the birds singing outside. While our society would be flat without music, this is not the only reason music is important. Music teaches life skills.
Through music, one can learn skills and accomplish tasks that seem impossible. Why else would there be a field called music therapy?
Experience is life's greatest teacher. Through learning a piece of music, students learn dedication, goal setting, time management, accountability and more. They learn how to listen to something honestly through observation. In order to polish a piece it takes perspective, the ability to step back and assess strengths and weaknesses. It takes critical thinking.
Music improves motor function, especially fine motor function. Music lessons can be extremely rewarding for students who are rigid in fine motor skills. As they learn their instrument, their fingers, hands, and arms, naturally learn new patterns which strengthen their skills. There are also studies that state increased motor function increases brain function.
Just showing up for lessons each week takes responsibility.
History becomes alive and active when students learn about composers, performers, different genres and style periods. Not to mention a foreign language as students begin to decipher dynamic markings, tempos that are written in Italian.
Have a student count a few measures out loud and math also becomes aural. Addition and subdividing abound!
Learning music is like a puzzle. Through attention to detail in many small parts the bigger picture is created. Phrasing, articulation, notes, rhythm, intonation, fingering, all come together to form the piece. Talk about learning the ability to multi-task!
Listening skills are also critical. The ability to be quiet and take something in is a skill many students in today's busy world can greatly benefit from. Many music students excel in school studies simply because they have developed the skill of listening and remembering what they just heard. They are able to easily process the information their teachers are presenting.
Music takes patience. Our lives are full of instant gratification, fast food, cheap clothes, internet etc. Music is real-time. You build character traits through the learning process. Mistakes do, will and should happen. Students will learn one of their greatest skills through mistakes, how to deal with them effectively, learn and move on.
Music creates confidence through public "speaking" and performing. It provides an opportunity to be part of a group when performing and putting one's self out there in a solo performance. It offers the chance for every child to feel special.
Music is creativity in motion. It is emotion projected in sound.
Music is science you can hear. We cannot see sound waves, but we can certainly hear them. Music is about trusting that something exists because you can feel it, not because you can see it.
Music is real life in sound.
So why do we need more music teachers? The world needs more people making a positive difference. Kids need skills. As a music teacher you do not have to actively think about giving kids skills, it happens naturally, organically. Through learning music, students learn more about themselves without anyone cramming it down their throat to do this or be that.
We all want to belong in life, we all want to feel valued, worth something. We all wish to contribute to society. Teaching music lessons provides the perfect opportunity.
Through music, one can learn skills and accomplish tasks that seem impossible. Why else would there be a field called music therapy?
Experience is life's greatest teacher. Through learning a piece of music, students learn dedication, goal setting, time management, accountability and more. They learn how to listen to something honestly through observation. In order to polish a piece it takes perspective, the ability to step back and assess strengths and weaknesses. It takes critical thinking.
Music improves motor function, especially fine motor function. Music lessons can be extremely rewarding for students who are rigid in fine motor skills. As they learn their instrument, their fingers, hands, and arms, naturally learn new patterns which strengthen their skills. There are also studies that state increased motor function increases brain function.
Just showing up for lessons each week takes responsibility.
History becomes alive and active when students learn about composers, performers, different genres and style periods. Not to mention a foreign language as students begin to decipher dynamic markings, tempos that are written in Italian.
Have a student count a few measures out loud and math also becomes aural. Addition and subdividing abound!
Learning music is like a puzzle. Through attention to detail in many small parts the bigger picture is created. Phrasing, articulation, notes, rhythm, intonation, fingering, all come together to form the piece. Talk about learning the ability to multi-task!
Listening skills are also critical. The ability to be quiet and take something in is a skill many students in today's busy world can greatly benefit from. Many music students excel in school studies simply because they have developed the skill of listening and remembering what they just heard. They are able to easily process the information their teachers are presenting.
Music takes patience. Our lives are full of instant gratification, fast food, cheap clothes, internet etc. Music is real-time. You build character traits through the learning process. Mistakes do, will and should happen. Students will learn one of their greatest skills through mistakes, how to deal with them effectively, learn and move on.
Music creates confidence through public "speaking" and performing. It provides an opportunity to be part of a group when performing and putting one's self out there in a solo performance. It offers the chance for every child to feel special.
Music is creativity in motion. It is emotion projected in sound.
Music is science you can hear. We cannot see sound waves, but we can certainly hear them. Music is about trusting that something exists because you can feel it, not because you can see it.
Music is real life in sound.
So why do we need more music teachers? The world needs more people making a positive difference. Kids need skills. As a music teacher you do not have to actively think about giving kids skills, it happens naturally, organically. Through learning music, students learn more about themselves without anyone cramming it down their throat to do this or be that.
We all want to belong in life, we all want to feel valued, worth something. We all wish to contribute to society. Teaching music lessons provides the perfect opportunity.
Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017
The Top Ten Things to Consider When Choosing a Music School
Learn to Ask the Right Questions
Teachers and school owners will probably know this all too well. When the phone rings and it's a potential new student calling in, the #1 question seems to be, "How much do you charge?" followed closely by "Where are you located?" This is how the majority of people shop for what could be one of the most important investments they will ever make... education for themselves or their loved ones. It is truly shocking that this great decision is being based almost solely on price and location.
If you are a parent or student old enough to make your own decision, you need to know the information contained in this report.
If you are a teacher and/or a school owner, your students need to know this BEFORE they enroll with you. Feel free to forward this to anyone interested in taking music lessons.
Hello. My name is Russ Hamel and I've been a full-time private music teacher since 1972. During the majority of this time I have worked for myself in partnership with my wife, but I have spent nearly a decade at one point or another working for large school systems specializing in group lessons. Therefore, I feel that I can give you a fair and qualified opinion.
I'm going to give you the straight goods; no sugar-coating. Some of what you read might not be what you want to see. But knowing this information and using it wisely could end up saving you years of time and hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in unnecessary expense.
After carefully reading and understanding the contents of this report, you should be better equipped to shop around for the right teacher and school to suit your particular needs. And to the teachers and school owners, you may use this information to screen and qualify the types of students you are willing to accept.
I'm going to write this assuming that you are a parent and/or student old enough to make your own decision about taking music lessons.
IMPORTANT: BEFORE you start your search You MUST Know What You Want to Accomplish through your study of music!
If you are looking strictly at cost and location, you could easily cheat yourself out of a great value and instead, waste years and hundreds of dollars fixing bad habits that could have been avoided had you invested more wisely in a proper teacher right from the start.
More often than not, a professional teacher charging $50-an-hour (just an example; not our actual fees) could end up SAVING you precious time and money over the $5-an-hour kid-next-door. When it comes to your education, cost and convenience should be way down on your priority list.
Having said that, let's take a look at the Top Ten items you should consider when choosing a music school.
"How Much Does it Cost?"
We're starting with #10 because out of all the phone calls we get, "How much?" is by far the #1 question people ask. Yes, today's economy demands that we be ever watchful of our expenses but the reality is, "How much?" should be one of the last questions you ask when it comes to choosing a music school.
Shopping for a proper music teacher is NOT like buying a can of beans at the grocery store. There is just no way you can compare a full-time certified professional teacher having decades of experience to the 16-year-old kid next door. Yeah, that kid might be able to play well enough to pass his examinations but that doesn't necessarily mean he can TEACH.
Furthermore, an experienced teacher is also a coach, career counselor, mentor, psychologist, and advisor among many other roles. You certainly don't want to leave yourself in the hands of someone who has barely figured out his or her own life... no matter how cheap the price!
"Where Are You Located?"
"Where are you located" is the second most-asked question. Presumably, people are looking for convenience. Unfortunately, they are putting this ahead of other things which must be considered as priorities.
Let's say your next-door neighbor agrees to teach your child for $1 per lesson (not likely, but just as an example). You certainly can't get much cheaper and more convenient than that! However, after one year you sadly realize that your child can't play anything, is totally frustrated and wants to quit. Shockingly, most people BLAME THE CHILD concluding things like, "Oh, she must not be very musical" or "I guess she just wasn't interested."
What a different story it could have been, and should have been, had you entrusted your child's welfare to the careful watch of a proper teacher! Instead, the child is turned off of music for life, and you are left with a bitter experience and empty pockets to show for your investment.
OK, so we've got the two BIGGIES out of the way. Now the question is, "What SHOULD you be looking for?"
Well, that's an excellent question. I'm glad you asked!
Assuming you have taken the time to figure out exactly what you want to accomplish through your study of music, the MOST important question you can ask is:
"How Can This Teacher Help Me Achieve My Goals?"
Let's say you come to my school with a goal of starting from scratch as a brand new beginner and you want to pass your grade eight requirements within one year; you only have a $150 keyboard you bought from WalMart; and you don't want to practice more than 3 or 4 days a week, and no more than 20-30 minutes a day... well...
Don't Laugh - We Get These Kinds of People Calling In All the Time!
And I have to tell them, "Sorry, I'm not the teacher for you!"
Yes, it IS possible to scrape by with the bare minimum requirements and get that worthless piece of paper in a relatively short period of time. But what do you prove to yourself and everyone else if a week or two later after passing your exam, you cannot play a single note or even begin to figure out a song for yourself?
When people ask my students, "Who is your teacher?", I want that question coming from a positive frame of mind as if to say, "Wow, you are so good! You must have a terrific teacher."
In the above example, if someone asked that quick-pass student to play something and he couldn't, even though he 'passed' his exam, how does that make the teacher look?
Personally, I will not be part of the quick-pass scheme. My best advice to you and all the rest of my students is, "DON'T DO THIS!"
What is the BIG HURRY? Learning is a lifelong skill and unless you know you are going to die soon, you've got time! It would be better to develop the good habit of doing things to the best of your ability. That way, you will be more successful in life rather than always looking for the quick and easy way out.
However, if you still insist on rushing, I can refer you to people who will gladly take your money while promising you something for nothing. BUYER BEWARE! There are lots of people who will take your money if you just hand it to them. When it comes to your education, 'Cheap, Convenient and Fast' are not always the best things. Re-examine your priorities and get them in order. And ask better questions!
"What Will Be Required of Me?"
This is the next MOST important question you should be asking.
Teachers can have as many different standards and expectations as there are students. These range from a "Whatever - Anything Goes" kind of attitude to those with clear, well thought out policies developed over years of experience and designed to help the student-teacher-parent relationship flow more smoothly.
The better schools and teachers will expect you to make some kind of commitment. Most busy teachers don't have time to take on new students who just want to "Try it out" for a month or two. The accomplished teacher is certainly not going to "TRY" to teach you; he or she is committed to DOING IT, so you should come with the attitude that you are going to DO IT, too! Otherwise, invest your hard-earned time and money into something else.
As mentioned previously, we get a fair amount of people inquiring about piano lessons who don't own a piano and have no intention of getting one in the near future. What's up with that?
You want to take piano lessons? Get a proper instrument!
A good teacher will expect a firm time commitment from you and will probably not tolerate too many changes in schedule as you drift from one activity to another. Make up your mind about what you want to do; then DO IT! Your teacher can and should expect you to practice regularly at home and come to class prepared at your appointed time each week.
Are you over-committed with too many activities? Don't clutter up your teacher's life by wreaking havoc with your schedule. Settle for just a few things and do them well, rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none!
Following instruction and respecting your teacher's advice is another area of expectation. A good teacher will know from years of dedicated effort and often frustrating experience what will work and what won't. Having a parent tell the teacher, "Well my friend's daughter's teacher doesn't make her do that," is an act of total disrespect. You are paying your teacher to do a job, so let him or her DO THEIR JOB!
Be sure you are very clear on your teacher's policies and expectations and be ready to honor them if you wish to develop and maintain a strong working relationship. Otherwise, find someone else with whom you will feel more comfortable.
"Can I Understand My Teacher?"
Here in Toronto, as in many other big cities around the world, there is a wonderful diversity of culture. Among the population are some absolutely brilliant teachers and performers who trained in the 'Old-World' style and have excellent values to share with their students such as patience, persistence and self-discipline.
Unfortunately, English is not their first language, so when it comes to communication there is a tremendous strain on comprehension.
Listen, learning any new skill is hard enough without having to overcome a language barrier, too. Choose a teacher whom you can understand and who understands you. Just because your teacher has all kinds of impressive degrees and qualifications, they mean nothing if you can't understand what your teacher is saying!
And speaking of understanding, language is not the only block to communication. Sometimes there are differences in lifestyle, such as generation-gaps, musical tastes and preferences, etc. It is important to have someone you can relate to.
As an example, both Mozart and Beethoven were unquestionably two of the greatest musical minds that ever lived. Who wouldn't want to study with geniuses like that, right? However, when it came to people skills, both men were thought to be quite at the other end of the spectrum. They just could not tolerate working with other people and considered most of their fellow man to be below themselves. This certainly didn't make for a workable student- teacher relationship.
"Do I Feel Like I Belong Here?"
You're at your private teacher's home for your weekly lesson. The dog is barking and your teacher also has some kind of day-care deal going on the side. Down the hall, her teenage son is crankin' out the tunes on his blaster. Suddenly, the phone rings and your teacher disappears around the corner only to return ten minutes later.
Soon after, you are shuffling down the sidewalk, trying to piece together what just happened to you over the past 30 minutes. While the distractions of the home are perfectly clear in your mind, the details of your lesson, whatever there was of it, are rather foggy.
OR how about this one...
You're at one of the big MEGA schools. They've got over 2,000 students going there so they must be good, right? You stand in a crammed waiting area with 50 other students, waiting for the 'change of the guard'. Nobody acknowledges you, and nobody really cares to know your name... unless you owe money of course! Only then do you get to meet the 'boss' who informs you that you may rejoin the class once your 'obligations' have been met. Kinda gives you the 'warm-and-fuzzies', doesn't it?
Not comfortable with either one of those scenarios?
HHHMMMM... you mean there's more to this music school shopping than just price and location? WHO KNEW?
You might be better served finding a place that is professionally set up; typically a small office building, away from all the usual distractions and clutter that can take place at home, including your own!
Yes, having the teacher come to your house may be the ultimate in convenience, but unless you have your home set up like a professional music studio, you are probably not going to get the greatest benefit from your music lessons. For most students, children and adults alike, it just doesn't FEEL like a music class. Things are too familiar and comfortable and it's hard for a student to properly focus in that kind of environment, especially with his TV and toys, brothers, sisters and pets, just around the corner.
"Will I Have Sufficient Access to My Teacher?"
When you enroll at some of the bigger schools, you do so through a music counselor (fancy name for salesperson). You don't even get to meet your teacher until your lesson time.
Once in the classroom, you are escorted to the back of the class behind several other piano stations. Your teacher makes one or two rounds during your lesson but for the most part, you could be doing your math homework for all he knows... or cares!
To him, you are just another nameless face sitting in the back of the class. If you learned something tonight, you were one of the lucky ones. If you didn't learn anything, well... pay better attention next week!
When class is over, the next group of students - who shall remain forever nameless and faceless as far as your teacher is concerned - takes over and you slide outside to oblivion.
OK, so it's not really THAT bad. But having taught in that environment for several years, I know first-hand that it just isn't possible to get to know each and every person; their likes and dislikes; their strengths and weaknesses. I do remember vividly though, as the teacher, the primary concern is to Survive Another Hectic Night!
And when quitting time comes, that's exactly what the group teacher does. Let the receptionist handle the details. He's outa there!
This is not going to happen in a teacher-owned, small, professional music studio. To keep overhead to a minimum, the teacher/owner most often plays ALL the roles, including receptionist, bill-collector, etc. You are in direct contact with your teacher at all times.
"What Is the Primary Focus of My Teacher?"
Good question! Here is why you should be asking it.
Some teachers are performers FIRST. They love to play and take liberal opportunities to 'demonstrate' for their students. Lessons quickly escalate into mini-concerts with student and parent alike admiring how well the teacher can play. This feeds the teacher's ego. Unfortunately, it really doesn't do much to improve your own skill level.
As well, whenever an outside opportunity to perform comes up, students are quickly rescheduled or passed on to the 'supply' while the regular teacher is away.
Do you go to class to listen to your teacher play? Do you like getting the 'supply' teacher every other week? Most people don't. And for the kind of money they are paying for lessons, who can blame them. Rather, you want to look for a teacher whose main passion is TEACHING!
"What Is the Primary Focus of My School?"
Some schools are located within music stores. They provide music lessons as a convenience for their customers, but their main focus is to sell instruments, books and sheet music, along with other assorted musical items. Unless you are extremely disciplined, you will always be tempted to buy something, whether it's a book or the latest music gadget.
Teachers working in these situations make only a small percentage of the lesson fees. They are constantly being told by the boss to encourage store purchases among their students. This is not an ideal environment and teachers can often become bitter and disenchanted and not highly motivated to give you the best education for your money. (Gee, isn't that comforting to know?) I'm quite familiar with this because I worked in such a place for several years and I got to the point where I wanted to get out of music teaching entirely!
Again, consider the small, professional teacher-owned music studio. That person more than likely has their life invested in their business and so they care very deeply about each and every aspect... including you! They may keep a few books and small items in stock as a convenience to you, but their main focus is to see you grow and develop as a person through music lessons.
"What Kind of Motivation & Incentives Will My Teacher Use?"
The study of music can be a lot of fun. In fact, it should be fun most of the time; otherwise there is really no good reason to stick with it.
Of course, there are always going to be those days when it just isn't fun. Mastering any skill takes some degree of dedication and commitment; that's called "hard work" if you want to put it into plain English. So what you want to know when you are shopping for a music school is, "How is my teacher going to motivate me up on the days when I just don't feel like practicing?"
Are you prepared to work with a 'Dictator'? With some teachers, it's THEIR WAY or the highway. You might not like this approach. Then again, you might very well need that sort of discipline.
However, I've had students who absolutely crumble at the blink of an eye. The slightest tonal inflection of my voice could set off a fountain of tears.
Get to know and understand your teacher's personality style and see if it matches yours and especially your child's temperament. This can make all the difference in the world.
Let's summarize now, putting our 'Top Ten' list in order: These are the types of questions you SHOULD be asking when you are ready to shop around for a music teacher and school!
How can this teacher help me achieve my goals?
What will be required of me?
Can I understand my teacher?
Do I feel like I belong here?
Will I have sufficient access to my teacher?
What is the primary focus of my teacher?
What is the primary focus of my school?
What kind of motivation & incentives will my teacher use?
Only after you get satisfactory answers to these and other similar questions should you ask:
Where are you located?
How much does it cost?
Remember, it's all about asking good questions. Good luck with your music school shopping.
Teachers and school owners will probably know this all too well. When the phone rings and it's a potential new student calling in, the #1 question seems to be, "How much do you charge?" followed closely by "Where are you located?" This is how the majority of people shop for what could be one of the most important investments they will ever make... education for themselves or their loved ones. It is truly shocking that this great decision is being based almost solely on price and location.
If you are a parent or student old enough to make your own decision, you need to know the information contained in this report.
If you are a teacher and/or a school owner, your students need to know this BEFORE they enroll with you. Feel free to forward this to anyone interested in taking music lessons.
Hello. My name is Russ Hamel and I've been a full-time private music teacher since 1972. During the majority of this time I have worked for myself in partnership with my wife, but I have spent nearly a decade at one point or another working for large school systems specializing in group lessons. Therefore, I feel that I can give you a fair and qualified opinion.
I'm going to give you the straight goods; no sugar-coating. Some of what you read might not be what you want to see. But knowing this information and using it wisely could end up saving you years of time and hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in unnecessary expense.
After carefully reading and understanding the contents of this report, you should be better equipped to shop around for the right teacher and school to suit your particular needs. And to the teachers and school owners, you may use this information to screen and qualify the types of students you are willing to accept.
I'm going to write this assuming that you are a parent and/or student old enough to make your own decision about taking music lessons.
IMPORTANT: BEFORE you start your search You MUST Know What You Want to Accomplish through your study of music!
If you are looking strictly at cost and location, you could easily cheat yourself out of a great value and instead, waste years and hundreds of dollars fixing bad habits that could have been avoided had you invested more wisely in a proper teacher right from the start.
More often than not, a professional teacher charging $50-an-hour (just an example; not our actual fees) could end up SAVING you precious time and money over the $5-an-hour kid-next-door. When it comes to your education, cost and convenience should be way down on your priority list.
Having said that, let's take a look at the Top Ten items you should consider when choosing a music school.
"How Much Does it Cost?"
We're starting with #10 because out of all the phone calls we get, "How much?" is by far the #1 question people ask. Yes, today's economy demands that we be ever watchful of our expenses but the reality is, "How much?" should be one of the last questions you ask when it comes to choosing a music school.
Shopping for a proper music teacher is NOT like buying a can of beans at the grocery store. There is just no way you can compare a full-time certified professional teacher having decades of experience to the 16-year-old kid next door. Yeah, that kid might be able to play well enough to pass his examinations but that doesn't necessarily mean he can TEACH.
Furthermore, an experienced teacher is also a coach, career counselor, mentor, psychologist, and advisor among many other roles. You certainly don't want to leave yourself in the hands of someone who has barely figured out his or her own life... no matter how cheap the price!
"Where Are You Located?"
"Where are you located" is the second most-asked question. Presumably, people are looking for convenience. Unfortunately, they are putting this ahead of other things which must be considered as priorities.
Let's say your next-door neighbor agrees to teach your child for $1 per lesson (not likely, but just as an example). You certainly can't get much cheaper and more convenient than that! However, after one year you sadly realize that your child can't play anything, is totally frustrated and wants to quit. Shockingly, most people BLAME THE CHILD concluding things like, "Oh, she must not be very musical" or "I guess she just wasn't interested."
What a different story it could have been, and should have been, had you entrusted your child's welfare to the careful watch of a proper teacher! Instead, the child is turned off of music for life, and you are left with a bitter experience and empty pockets to show for your investment.
OK, so we've got the two BIGGIES out of the way. Now the question is, "What SHOULD you be looking for?"
Well, that's an excellent question. I'm glad you asked!
Assuming you have taken the time to figure out exactly what you want to accomplish through your study of music, the MOST important question you can ask is:
"How Can This Teacher Help Me Achieve My Goals?"
Let's say you come to my school with a goal of starting from scratch as a brand new beginner and you want to pass your grade eight requirements within one year; you only have a $150 keyboard you bought from WalMart; and you don't want to practice more than 3 or 4 days a week, and no more than 20-30 minutes a day... well...
Don't Laugh - We Get These Kinds of People Calling In All the Time!
And I have to tell them, "Sorry, I'm not the teacher for you!"
Yes, it IS possible to scrape by with the bare minimum requirements and get that worthless piece of paper in a relatively short period of time. But what do you prove to yourself and everyone else if a week or two later after passing your exam, you cannot play a single note or even begin to figure out a song for yourself?
When people ask my students, "Who is your teacher?", I want that question coming from a positive frame of mind as if to say, "Wow, you are so good! You must have a terrific teacher."
In the above example, if someone asked that quick-pass student to play something and he couldn't, even though he 'passed' his exam, how does that make the teacher look?
Personally, I will not be part of the quick-pass scheme. My best advice to you and all the rest of my students is, "DON'T DO THIS!"
What is the BIG HURRY? Learning is a lifelong skill and unless you know you are going to die soon, you've got time! It would be better to develop the good habit of doing things to the best of your ability. That way, you will be more successful in life rather than always looking for the quick and easy way out.
However, if you still insist on rushing, I can refer you to people who will gladly take your money while promising you something for nothing. BUYER BEWARE! There are lots of people who will take your money if you just hand it to them. When it comes to your education, 'Cheap, Convenient and Fast' are not always the best things. Re-examine your priorities and get them in order. And ask better questions!
"What Will Be Required of Me?"
This is the next MOST important question you should be asking.
Teachers can have as many different standards and expectations as there are students. These range from a "Whatever - Anything Goes" kind of attitude to those with clear, well thought out policies developed over years of experience and designed to help the student-teacher-parent relationship flow more smoothly.
The better schools and teachers will expect you to make some kind of commitment. Most busy teachers don't have time to take on new students who just want to "Try it out" for a month or two. The accomplished teacher is certainly not going to "TRY" to teach you; he or she is committed to DOING IT, so you should come with the attitude that you are going to DO IT, too! Otherwise, invest your hard-earned time and money into something else.
As mentioned previously, we get a fair amount of people inquiring about piano lessons who don't own a piano and have no intention of getting one in the near future. What's up with that?
You want to take piano lessons? Get a proper instrument!
A good teacher will expect a firm time commitment from you and will probably not tolerate too many changes in schedule as you drift from one activity to another. Make up your mind about what you want to do; then DO IT! Your teacher can and should expect you to practice regularly at home and come to class prepared at your appointed time each week.
Are you over-committed with too many activities? Don't clutter up your teacher's life by wreaking havoc with your schedule. Settle for just a few things and do them well, rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none!
Following instruction and respecting your teacher's advice is another area of expectation. A good teacher will know from years of dedicated effort and often frustrating experience what will work and what won't. Having a parent tell the teacher, "Well my friend's daughter's teacher doesn't make her do that," is an act of total disrespect. You are paying your teacher to do a job, so let him or her DO THEIR JOB!
Be sure you are very clear on your teacher's policies and expectations and be ready to honor them if you wish to develop and maintain a strong working relationship. Otherwise, find someone else with whom you will feel more comfortable.
"Can I Understand My Teacher?"
Here in Toronto, as in many other big cities around the world, there is a wonderful diversity of culture. Among the population are some absolutely brilliant teachers and performers who trained in the 'Old-World' style and have excellent values to share with their students such as patience, persistence and self-discipline.
Unfortunately, English is not their first language, so when it comes to communication there is a tremendous strain on comprehension.
Listen, learning any new skill is hard enough without having to overcome a language barrier, too. Choose a teacher whom you can understand and who understands you. Just because your teacher has all kinds of impressive degrees and qualifications, they mean nothing if you can't understand what your teacher is saying!
And speaking of understanding, language is not the only block to communication. Sometimes there are differences in lifestyle, such as generation-gaps, musical tastes and preferences, etc. It is important to have someone you can relate to.
As an example, both Mozart and Beethoven were unquestionably two of the greatest musical minds that ever lived. Who wouldn't want to study with geniuses like that, right? However, when it came to people skills, both men were thought to be quite at the other end of the spectrum. They just could not tolerate working with other people and considered most of their fellow man to be below themselves. This certainly didn't make for a workable student- teacher relationship.
"Do I Feel Like I Belong Here?"
You're at your private teacher's home for your weekly lesson. The dog is barking and your teacher also has some kind of day-care deal going on the side. Down the hall, her teenage son is crankin' out the tunes on his blaster. Suddenly, the phone rings and your teacher disappears around the corner only to return ten minutes later.
Soon after, you are shuffling down the sidewalk, trying to piece together what just happened to you over the past 30 minutes. While the distractions of the home are perfectly clear in your mind, the details of your lesson, whatever there was of it, are rather foggy.
OR how about this one...
You're at one of the big MEGA schools. They've got over 2,000 students going there so they must be good, right? You stand in a crammed waiting area with 50 other students, waiting for the 'change of the guard'. Nobody acknowledges you, and nobody really cares to know your name... unless you owe money of course! Only then do you get to meet the 'boss' who informs you that you may rejoin the class once your 'obligations' have been met. Kinda gives you the 'warm-and-fuzzies', doesn't it?
Not comfortable with either one of those scenarios?
HHHMMMM... you mean there's more to this music school shopping than just price and location? WHO KNEW?
You might be better served finding a place that is professionally set up; typically a small office building, away from all the usual distractions and clutter that can take place at home, including your own!
Yes, having the teacher come to your house may be the ultimate in convenience, but unless you have your home set up like a professional music studio, you are probably not going to get the greatest benefit from your music lessons. For most students, children and adults alike, it just doesn't FEEL like a music class. Things are too familiar and comfortable and it's hard for a student to properly focus in that kind of environment, especially with his TV and toys, brothers, sisters and pets, just around the corner.
"Will I Have Sufficient Access to My Teacher?"
When you enroll at some of the bigger schools, you do so through a music counselor (fancy name for salesperson). You don't even get to meet your teacher until your lesson time.
Once in the classroom, you are escorted to the back of the class behind several other piano stations. Your teacher makes one or two rounds during your lesson but for the most part, you could be doing your math homework for all he knows... or cares!
To him, you are just another nameless face sitting in the back of the class. If you learned something tonight, you were one of the lucky ones. If you didn't learn anything, well... pay better attention next week!
When class is over, the next group of students - who shall remain forever nameless and faceless as far as your teacher is concerned - takes over and you slide outside to oblivion.
OK, so it's not really THAT bad. But having taught in that environment for several years, I know first-hand that it just isn't possible to get to know each and every person; their likes and dislikes; their strengths and weaknesses. I do remember vividly though, as the teacher, the primary concern is to Survive Another Hectic Night!
And when quitting time comes, that's exactly what the group teacher does. Let the receptionist handle the details. He's outa there!
This is not going to happen in a teacher-owned, small, professional music studio. To keep overhead to a minimum, the teacher/owner most often plays ALL the roles, including receptionist, bill-collector, etc. You are in direct contact with your teacher at all times.
"What Is the Primary Focus of My Teacher?"
Good question! Here is why you should be asking it.
Some teachers are performers FIRST. They love to play and take liberal opportunities to 'demonstrate' for their students. Lessons quickly escalate into mini-concerts with student and parent alike admiring how well the teacher can play. This feeds the teacher's ego. Unfortunately, it really doesn't do much to improve your own skill level.
As well, whenever an outside opportunity to perform comes up, students are quickly rescheduled or passed on to the 'supply' while the regular teacher is away.
Do you go to class to listen to your teacher play? Do you like getting the 'supply' teacher every other week? Most people don't. And for the kind of money they are paying for lessons, who can blame them. Rather, you want to look for a teacher whose main passion is TEACHING!
"What Is the Primary Focus of My School?"
Some schools are located within music stores. They provide music lessons as a convenience for their customers, but their main focus is to sell instruments, books and sheet music, along with other assorted musical items. Unless you are extremely disciplined, you will always be tempted to buy something, whether it's a book or the latest music gadget.
Teachers working in these situations make only a small percentage of the lesson fees. They are constantly being told by the boss to encourage store purchases among their students. This is not an ideal environment and teachers can often become bitter and disenchanted and not highly motivated to give you the best education for your money. (Gee, isn't that comforting to know?) I'm quite familiar with this because I worked in such a place for several years and I got to the point where I wanted to get out of music teaching entirely!
Again, consider the small, professional teacher-owned music studio. That person more than likely has their life invested in their business and so they care very deeply about each and every aspect... including you! They may keep a few books and small items in stock as a convenience to you, but their main focus is to see you grow and develop as a person through music lessons.
"What Kind of Motivation & Incentives Will My Teacher Use?"
The study of music can be a lot of fun. In fact, it should be fun most of the time; otherwise there is really no good reason to stick with it.
Of course, there are always going to be those days when it just isn't fun. Mastering any skill takes some degree of dedication and commitment; that's called "hard work" if you want to put it into plain English. So what you want to know when you are shopping for a music school is, "How is my teacher going to motivate me up on the days when I just don't feel like practicing?"
Are you prepared to work with a 'Dictator'? With some teachers, it's THEIR WAY or the highway. You might not like this approach. Then again, you might very well need that sort of discipline.
However, I've had students who absolutely crumble at the blink of an eye. The slightest tonal inflection of my voice could set off a fountain of tears.
Get to know and understand your teacher's personality style and see if it matches yours and especially your child's temperament. This can make all the difference in the world.
Let's summarize now, putting our 'Top Ten' list in order: These are the types of questions you SHOULD be asking when you are ready to shop around for a music teacher and school!
How can this teacher help me achieve my goals?
What will be required of me?
Can I understand my teacher?
Do I feel like I belong here?
Will I have sufficient access to my teacher?
What is the primary focus of my teacher?
What is the primary focus of my school?
What kind of motivation & incentives will my teacher use?
Only after you get satisfactory answers to these and other similar questions should you ask:
Where are you located?
How much does it cost?
Remember, it's all about asking good questions. Good luck with your music school shopping.
Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017
Music and Healing: The Power of Meaningful Words and Music
We All Have a Favorite Piece of Music that Moves Us to a Special Place in Our Hearts. A Conversion About the Music We Love and How It Colors Our Lives.
My favorite piece of music, depends on the mood, jazz is music for all moods. My favorite jazz piece would be - as a sax player - My Favorite Things by Coltrane, or anything by Thelonios Monk. Soft lighting, Kalhua and milk and company always suits Monk or vice versa.
Driving is made for music so anything by crowded house makes a trip to anywhere (even work) worth it. How can a song sound so simplistic yet be difficult to play. what does Neil do?
but my favorite piece would be from the shine soundtrack, a piece called "Nulla in mundo pax" by Vivaldi, which I am listening to now.
Every piece of music represents the expression of the composer of that music. The piece of music that I like the most is the piano instrumental music because it does not say in words as other kind of music. The person who listens to the instrumental music has to try to understand what messages the composer is trying to tell through the piece of music. It is challenging in finding the meaning. Furthermore, when I listen to the instrumental music, such as "A Maiden's Prayer" by T. Badarzewska, I believe that this piece is messaging us to surrender to God. If I got chance, I'd love to play my favorite pieces.
This is old stuff to those who know me, but I am a huge James Taylor Nut. And my favorite song is 'The Water is Wide' If MP3s are legal I will put it up on this site. But I will have to check first.
Every time I hear it, I feel transformed to a different place, where everything is pensive, and people walk in the streets heartbroken, but with the hope that life will be kind to them again. It leaves me with a lump in my throat each time. There is something comforting in the song that leaves me appeased and convinced that whatever trial I'm facing, someone's faced it before, and someone's overcome it before.
That's what music should do. The song and the artist both inspire me endlessly. It inspires me in a way I hope that I can inspire people.
Listen to it if you can find it --Ken
Many times, when I just close my eyes and listen to music I escape to this other level. It does something to appease me, as you put it feeding my soul I guess. I appreciate music very much, which to me is as much art as creating it. Music is a part of everyone's life, and everyone is connected to it in someway. For me it keeps me going when I'm down, or just makes me happy when I'm happy. I have music for all occasions. All in all, I'd be a very unhappy girl if music were suddenly taken away.
At the end of a busy day..
I love listening to music. I did dancing and singing lessons when I was a child but never learnt to play an instrument. This year, at the ripe old age of 40, I decided to learn to read music and play the keyboard. It is all part of having a balanced life, setting goals and taking time for me to do the things that I enjoy.
My nine year old son and I now have lessons at home each week
and are encouraging each other to practice and enjoy our music. It is something we are doing together and I hope that my son
continues to enjoy music and continue playing as he grows up.
I love listening and now playing music to "switch off" and relax at the end of a busy day. I have only had a few lessons so far and play poorly, but I am enjoying it and improving week by week. My son is doing the same and we, as a family, are enjoying playing music, listening and singing along with our simple tunes. I consider the keyboard as my "best buy of the year 2000" so far!
Music embodies life. A physical and emotional manifestation of divinity, music is an integral part of the loving bond that has fulfilled us and strengthened us, and brought harmony to individuals, societies and nations around the world throughout time.
Without Words..
Music is an expression of what is going on inside a persons' mind/heart. You don't need to concentrate to realise its power. I think the most moving music is music performed by an artist who is playing with a passion, who feels precisely, or deeply empathizes with, the meaning and feelings conveyed in the song.
I play the piano by ear. That is, I can listen to music and once the music has made an impression on me , I can more often than not, play back what I heard. I have always played the piano this way (since I was 4) and I wouldn't have it any other way because its made me sensitive to music - the melody, the beats, the volume and pace of songs.
The most wonderful thing I believe music can bring to a person is when a person can sit down with their instrument and play (and/or sing) whatever feelings they would otherwise keep bottled up inside them - the kind of feelings you just wouldn't be able to tell another person, the kind of feelings that only music can really bring comfort to.
Many times, when I just close my eyes and listen to music I escape to this other level. It does something to appease me, as you put it feeding my soul I guess. I appreciate music very much, which to me is as much art as creating it. Music is a part of everyone's life, and everyone is connected to it in someway. For me it keeps me going when I'm down, or just makes me happy when I'm happy. I have music for all occasions. All in all, I'd be a very unhappy girl if music were suddenly taken away.
Jenny and Me:
Okay.. If I don't play my guitar, Jenny, at least once a day, I get withdrawal. I'm deadly serious here. Its like you forgot something and you left a part of you somewhere... where?? where?? where.. Almost like losing your keys. Music has been part of my life since I was 5, when I was forced to learn piano. Luckily I loved it. Music is like a parent.
My muse is that thing which makes me make music. Like the entity "music" herself or himself. I don't write really.. Its "it" which speaks through me. People deal with pain, and hurt in different ways. When I have finished blaming myself =)
I talk to jenny and she seems to make it all seem very trivial. and I say thanks jenny.. Sometimes she is moody. People give me strange looks when I say she talks to me. But I believe instruments acquire a soul when they are created. Spirits inhabit them, and they generate karma.
Music feeds my soul in ways I can't even begin to explain. If you know what I mean, then you are truly blessed too.
The most important things..
Music keeps me in touch with life, real life. It reminds me of the basics and the most important things. While we are all rushing around from day to day it is too easy to get wrapped up in 'getting it all' done and we forget to get in touch with ourselves and with each other often enough. Music takes us away and provides the ultimate escape for the soul - a renewal, and its free for the taking. We all need to take advantage of what it offers on a daily basis to stay in touch with 'life'.
Have a good day - and take some time out today to be embraced by music!!
How Music Moves Me
(Apart from the obvious way in wanting to get up and dance around!)
Music moves me in many ways but the most memorable experience I have had was (eyes closed, sitting in an armchair) listening to a particular piece of Mahler's. At one point the string section builds up to a high note which is so exquisitely haunting and sad that tears streamed down my face. I'm not sure if I knew at the time, but I now know that he wrote this music about the death of his child and I find it amazing that this emotion could be conveyed so clearly.
My favorite piece of music, depends on the mood, jazz is music for all moods. My favorite jazz piece would be - as a sax player - My Favorite Things by Coltrane, or anything by Thelonios Monk. Soft lighting, Kalhua and milk and company always suits Monk or vice versa.
Driving is made for music so anything by crowded house makes a trip to anywhere (even work) worth it. How can a song sound so simplistic yet be difficult to play. what does Neil do?
but my favorite piece would be from the shine soundtrack, a piece called "Nulla in mundo pax" by Vivaldi, which I am listening to now.
Every piece of music represents the expression of the composer of that music. The piece of music that I like the most is the piano instrumental music because it does not say in words as other kind of music. The person who listens to the instrumental music has to try to understand what messages the composer is trying to tell through the piece of music. It is challenging in finding the meaning. Furthermore, when I listen to the instrumental music, such as "A Maiden's Prayer" by T. Badarzewska, I believe that this piece is messaging us to surrender to God. If I got chance, I'd love to play my favorite pieces.
This is old stuff to those who know me, but I am a huge James Taylor Nut. And my favorite song is 'The Water is Wide' If MP3s are legal I will put it up on this site. But I will have to check first.
Every time I hear it, I feel transformed to a different place, where everything is pensive, and people walk in the streets heartbroken, but with the hope that life will be kind to them again. It leaves me with a lump in my throat each time. There is something comforting in the song that leaves me appeased and convinced that whatever trial I'm facing, someone's faced it before, and someone's overcome it before.
That's what music should do. The song and the artist both inspire me endlessly. It inspires me in a way I hope that I can inspire people.
Listen to it if you can find it --Ken
Many times, when I just close my eyes and listen to music I escape to this other level. It does something to appease me, as you put it feeding my soul I guess. I appreciate music very much, which to me is as much art as creating it. Music is a part of everyone's life, and everyone is connected to it in someway. For me it keeps me going when I'm down, or just makes me happy when I'm happy. I have music for all occasions. All in all, I'd be a very unhappy girl if music were suddenly taken away.
At the end of a busy day..
I love listening to music. I did dancing and singing lessons when I was a child but never learnt to play an instrument. This year, at the ripe old age of 40, I decided to learn to read music and play the keyboard. It is all part of having a balanced life, setting goals and taking time for me to do the things that I enjoy.
My nine year old son and I now have lessons at home each week
and are encouraging each other to practice and enjoy our music. It is something we are doing together and I hope that my son
continues to enjoy music and continue playing as he grows up.
I love listening and now playing music to "switch off" and relax at the end of a busy day. I have only had a few lessons so far and play poorly, but I am enjoying it and improving week by week. My son is doing the same and we, as a family, are enjoying playing music, listening and singing along with our simple tunes. I consider the keyboard as my "best buy of the year 2000" so far!
Music embodies life. A physical and emotional manifestation of divinity, music is an integral part of the loving bond that has fulfilled us and strengthened us, and brought harmony to individuals, societies and nations around the world throughout time.
Without Words..
Music is an expression of what is going on inside a persons' mind/heart. You don't need to concentrate to realise its power. I think the most moving music is music performed by an artist who is playing with a passion, who feels precisely, or deeply empathizes with, the meaning and feelings conveyed in the song.
I play the piano by ear. That is, I can listen to music and once the music has made an impression on me , I can more often than not, play back what I heard. I have always played the piano this way (since I was 4) and I wouldn't have it any other way because its made me sensitive to music - the melody, the beats, the volume and pace of songs.
The most wonderful thing I believe music can bring to a person is when a person can sit down with their instrument and play (and/or sing) whatever feelings they would otherwise keep bottled up inside them - the kind of feelings you just wouldn't be able to tell another person, the kind of feelings that only music can really bring comfort to.
Many times, when I just close my eyes and listen to music I escape to this other level. It does something to appease me, as you put it feeding my soul I guess. I appreciate music very much, which to me is as much art as creating it. Music is a part of everyone's life, and everyone is connected to it in someway. For me it keeps me going when I'm down, or just makes me happy when I'm happy. I have music for all occasions. All in all, I'd be a very unhappy girl if music were suddenly taken away.
Jenny and Me:
Okay.. If I don't play my guitar, Jenny, at least once a day, I get withdrawal. I'm deadly serious here. Its like you forgot something and you left a part of you somewhere... where?? where?? where.. Almost like losing your keys. Music has been part of my life since I was 5, when I was forced to learn piano. Luckily I loved it. Music is like a parent.
My muse is that thing which makes me make music. Like the entity "music" herself or himself. I don't write really.. Its "it" which speaks through me. People deal with pain, and hurt in different ways. When I have finished blaming myself =)
I talk to jenny and she seems to make it all seem very trivial. and I say thanks jenny.. Sometimes she is moody. People give me strange looks when I say she talks to me. But I believe instruments acquire a soul when they are created. Spirits inhabit them, and they generate karma.
Music feeds my soul in ways I can't even begin to explain. If you know what I mean, then you are truly blessed too.
The most important things..
Music keeps me in touch with life, real life. It reminds me of the basics and the most important things. While we are all rushing around from day to day it is too easy to get wrapped up in 'getting it all' done and we forget to get in touch with ourselves and with each other often enough. Music takes us away and provides the ultimate escape for the soul - a renewal, and its free for the taking. We all need to take advantage of what it offers on a daily basis to stay in touch with 'life'.
Have a good day - and take some time out today to be embraced by music!!
How Music Moves Me
(Apart from the obvious way in wanting to get up and dance around!)
Music moves me in many ways but the most memorable experience I have had was (eyes closed, sitting in an armchair) listening to a particular piece of Mahler's. At one point the string section builds up to a high note which is so exquisitely haunting and sad that tears streamed down my face. I'm not sure if I knew at the time, but I now know that he wrote this music about the death of his child and I find it amazing that this emotion could be conveyed so clearly.
Jumat, 29 September 2017
Guitar Strum Patterns - Bring Your Music to Life With Guitar Strumming
Most people start out playing guitar with guitar strum patterns. They can seem really hard at first but once you spend some time strumming your guitar it will get a lot easier. When you get your strumming right you will find that playing the guitar is a very enjoyable experience. Once this happens your music will start to come alive right before your eyes.
When you first get started strumming the guitar you will be playing up strokes and down strokes. A down stroke takes place when you start your picking motion at the top of the guitar and strum in an downward manner with an up stroke being the exact opposite. All of your guitar strum patterns will be some sort of variation of this basic strum pattern. Things get good when you start adding in different timing patterns and variations of the basic strum.
Before you get all involved with complicated patterns take the time to get the basics down before moving ahead. Master simple guitar strums that consist of even up and down strokes that are played as evenly as you can.
Once you get the basics sounding good it may be time to think about moving on to more advanced patterns. There are a lot of ways to play the guitar so at this point you may want to think about taking some private lessons or investing in an online guitar course.
Although they are very important, guitar strum patterns are not the only part of playing the guitar you will need to work on. There are many skills required to be a great guitar player. Master them one at a time and watch how good of a guitar player you can become.
When you first get started strumming the guitar you will be playing up strokes and down strokes. A down stroke takes place when you start your picking motion at the top of the guitar and strum in an downward manner with an up stroke being the exact opposite. All of your guitar strum patterns will be some sort of variation of this basic strum pattern. Things get good when you start adding in different timing patterns and variations of the basic strum.
Before you get all involved with complicated patterns take the time to get the basics down before moving ahead. Master simple guitar strums that consist of even up and down strokes that are played as evenly as you can.
Once you get the basics sounding good it may be time to think about moving on to more advanced patterns. There are a lot of ways to play the guitar so at this point you may want to think about taking some private lessons or investing in an online guitar course.
Although they are very important, guitar strum patterns are not the only part of playing the guitar you will need to work on. There are many skills required to be a great guitar player. Master them one at a time and watch how good of a guitar player you can become.
Jumat, 15 September 2017
New iPod Classic FM Transmitter Bring Music to Life
If you are like other iPod Classic owners, you crave a way to listen to your music in your vehicle when you don't have an built-in auxiliary jack.
You really have two choices, the first is to listen with headphones. Most states are now aggressively attacking rights of individuals inside vehicles and listening to head phones will soon be illegal. The second choice is to plug your iPod classic into an FM transmitter.
A transmitter takes the music or audio from your iPod and turns it into a radio signal, once it's transformed into a radio signal, the FM radio will be able to reproduce it on the same frequency setting as your wireless transmitter.
This enables you to play your music and stream it from your iPod car adapter to any FM radio. It safely mobilizes your music and makes it safer to listen to in your vehicle. Which in the end, will make you a safer and happier driver, because everyone likes listening to their jams while driving.
But there is a slight catch I should try to explain to you, in case you didn't know, not all transmitters are constructed or engineered the same. They each have their own unique abilities and some are better than others.
Breaking them down to the core, there are three main differences at the core of every iPod car FM transmitter. First is the distance, second is sound clarity and the third is FM frequency selection. All are tied to together when broadcasting your music through an FM radio.
Let me explain how distance correlates with sound. Most transmitters will broadcast audio from a selected source 15-30 feet, which is fine for in car use. It's when you step outside the boundaries of your vehicle and desire to listen to your iPod Classic will you run into problems.
For instance, let's say you want to play your music through your home stereo and listen to it on the FM radio on the second floor of your bathroom. Well if the second floor is more than 30 feet away, then the broadcast signal will never reach the radio. It will work fine on the home stereo if it's within 30 feet, but will not work on any radio outside of 30 feet. The further the broadcast distance, the better the FM transmitter.
In regards to sound clarity, you want to replicate the sound you would hear from the headphones. Which brings all of the above elements into play, a stronger broadcast signal leads to cleaner reproduction of sound. The ability to choose any frequency off the public FM band lets you then select clearest signal.
In conclusion, three vital elements need to be present when you search for an iPod Classic FM Transmitter, without all three working together to give you're the best sound broadcast. You will be left listening to a steady stream of static.
You really have two choices, the first is to listen with headphones. Most states are now aggressively attacking rights of individuals inside vehicles and listening to head phones will soon be illegal. The second choice is to plug your iPod classic into an FM transmitter.
A transmitter takes the music or audio from your iPod and turns it into a radio signal, once it's transformed into a radio signal, the FM radio will be able to reproduce it on the same frequency setting as your wireless transmitter.
This enables you to play your music and stream it from your iPod car adapter to any FM radio. It safely mobilizes your music and makes it safer to listen to in your vehicle. Which in the end, will make you a safer and happier driver, because everyone likes listening to their jams while driving.
But there is a slight catch I should try to explain to you, in case you didn't know, not all transmitters are constructed or engineered the same. They each have their own unique abilities and some are better than others.
Breaking them down to the core, there are three main differences at the core of every iPod car FM transmitter. First is the distance, second is sound clarity and the third is FM frequency selection. All are tied to together when broadcasting your music through an FM radio.
Let me explain how distance correlates with sound. Most transmitters will broadcast audio from a selected source 15-30 feet, which is fine for in car use. It's when you step outside the boundaries of your vehicle and desire to listen to your iPod Classic will you run into problems.
For instance, let's say you want to play your music through your home stereo and listen to it on the FM radio on the second floor of your bathroom. Well if the second floor is more than 30 feet away, then the broadcast signal will never reach the radio. It will work fine on the home stereo if it's within 30 feet, but will not work on any radio outside of 30 feet. The further the broadcast distance, the better the FM transmitter.
In regards to sound clarity, you want to replicate the sound you would hear from the headphones. Which brings all of the above elements into play, a stronger broadcast signal leads to cleaner reproduction of sound. The ability to choose any frequency off the public FM band lets you then select clearest signal.
In conclusion, three vital elements need to be present when you search for an iPod Classic FM Transmitter, without all three working together to give you're the best sound broadcast. You will be left listening to a steady stream of static.
Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017
Musical Instruments Bring Music to Life
The world of musical instruments is as vast as it is old. Man has been making music since he first banged rocks together; and since that time music has become a large part of the human experience. It is the focal point of many human activities and the instruments used to create our music are continually evolving.
Drums are arguably the oldest of musical instruments. They the most primal of any existing group of instruments, but have continually been a staple of most genres of music. Their use can be documented all over the world, and in nearly every culture and in every era. Today, drums are the heart of most popular music, whether they be acoustic drums or electronic.
Stringed instruments have been used by humans for millennia. Evidence of these musical instruments can be found dating as far back as Ancient Greece and earlier. This group of instruments has evolved to include a great many variations, ranging from the violin to the guitar, with each sub-category including even more variations. The guitar, for instance, can be found in acoustic, electric and hybrid configurations. The invention of electronic effects processors and other types of synthesizers have only served to increase the variety within this group.
Finally, there are the wind instruments. This group of musical instruments can be broken down into two main categories; brass and woodwind. Brass instruments get their name because they are almost always made from metal, and that metal is often brass. Sound is produced by vibrating the lips against a mouthpiece, and this vibration is amplified through the tubing of the instrument. Examples of brass instruments include trumpets, trombones and tubas; just to name a few.
Woodwinds are members of the wind group of musical instruments, but their name is a bit of a misnomer. Woodwinds aren't always made from wood. Their name most often has to do with the fact that they require the use of a wooden reed in order to produce sound, but even this aspect is not universal to the group. Flutes, for example, are not only made from metal (although they can be made of wood, and most were for centuries) but they also do not use a reed of any kind. Saxophones are also made from metal, but they do require a wooden reed.
Drums are arguably the oldest of musical instruments. They the most primal of any existing group of instruments, but have continually been a staple of most genres of music. Their use can be documented all over the world, and in nearly every culture and in every era. Today, drums are the heart of most popular music, whether they be acoustic drums or electronic.
Stringed instruments have been used by humans for millennia. Evidence of these musical instruments can be found dating as far back as Ancient Greece and earlier. This group of instruments has evolved to include a great many variations, ranging from the violin to the guitar, with each sub-category including even more variations. The guitar, for instance, can be found in acoustic, electric and hybrid configurations. The invention of electronic effects processors and other types of synthesizers have only served to increase the variety within this group.
Finally, there are the wind instruments. This group of musical instruments can be broken down into two main categories; brass and woodwind. Brass instruments get their name because they are almost always made from metal, and that metal is often brass. Sound is produced by vibrating the lips against a mouthpiece, and this vibration is amplified through the tubing of the instrument. Examples of brass instruments include trumpets, trombones and tubas; just to name a few.
Woodwinds are members of the wind group of musical instruments, but their name is a bit of a misnomer. Woodwinds aren't always made from wood. Their name most often has to do with the fact that they require the use of a wooden reed in order to produce sound, but even this aspect is not universal to the group. Flutes, for example, are not only made from metal (although they can be made of wood, and most were for centuries) but they also do not use a reed of any kind. Saxophones are also made from metal, but they do require a wooden reed.
Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017
Piano Lessons for Children Bring Music to Life
Bringing music to life is a musician's job and their joy. Children taking piano lessons can also learn to bring life and artistry into the pieces they are playing once they understand this concept. But how is this communicated to a child who plays mechanically and doesn't know how to make their pieces sound, well, human?
Here some ways to do this which I do not recommend.
1. Tell the student who has no idea what you are talking about that they play like a machine.
2. Tell the student who has no idea what you are talking about that their playing sounds so terrible they should quit because playing piano just isn't their forte.
3. Tell the student who has no idea what you are talking about that they are incapable of playing beautiful music on the piano because they just don't have the personality for it.
I don't recommend any of these approaches, because only someone who doesn't have any idea what the problem is would do this. Too bad for them, but this doesn't have to be you.
Here's the real issue and what you can do about it. The reason students sometimes don't understand how to bring their music to life is because they don't know that they can. Try having this conversation with your child or piano student.
"Sally, do you see this page of music? Do you know what it is?"
Here are the answers that 95 percent of students give.
"Uuuhhmmm....notes?" "" " lesson?"
Before I tell you my answer to this question, think about how you would answer it if you were the piano student? Do you have a better one? Here's mine.
"No Sally, what you are looking at are just ink blots on paper. That's it. That's all you see here. There is no life in those ink blots or the paper they are printed on. There is no life in the piano you are playing on. It is just a mechanical device to make sounds. But music has life!!! When you hear a jazzy beat and start to tap your foot or swing to the music, that's life! When you hear a lullaby and it makes to want to rest, that's life. Music has power to affect us, but where does that energy come from?" "Uuuhhmmm....I don't know?"
"Well, let's think about this for a moment. The ink blots on the paper aren't alive, and the piano you're playing isn't alive, so what else could bring the music to life?"
"Uuuhhmmm....I don't know?"
"Are you alive, Sally?"
"Sure you are alive, and you have the power to bring this music to life." That's what learning to play the piano is all about."
You can do that by putting a little Sally into your playing. You have a great personality, Sally. Let it shine through in your music. Communicate each note like you would tell a personal story of interest to your best friend. It takes hard work and planning to learn to play the piano, Sally, but it also takes a little magic. And you have the magic it takes to bring ink blots on paper to life!"
To learn the best way to share the gift of music with children visit for my Piano Bears Musical Stories for Children The exciting Piano Bears Musical Stories for children ages 5 to 11 feature the loveable characters, Mrs. Treble Beary and her new piano student, Albeart Littlebud. Children love following along with Albeart to Mrs. Treble Beary's piano studio in Musical Acres Forest. Here they learn what piano lessons are all about in a fun way that kids readily understand and appreciate! Piano students laugh and giggle while reading "Little Bear's Musical Garden" and "Little Bear's Piano Goals."
Here some ways to do this which I do not recommend.
1. Tell the student who has no idea what you are talking about that they play like a machine.
2. Tell the student who has no idea what you are talking about that their playing sounds so terrible they should quit because playing piano just isn't their forte.
3. Tell the student who has no idea what you are talking about that they are incapable of playing beautiful music on the piano because they just don't have the personality for it.
I don't recommend any of these approaches, because only someone who doesn't have any idea what the problem is would do this. Too bad for them, but this doesn't have to be you.
Here's the real issue and what you can do about it. The reason students sometimes don't understand how to bring their music to life is because they don't know that they can. Try having this conversation with your child or piano student.
"Sally, do you see this page of music? Do you know what it is?"
Here are the answers that 95 percent of students give.
"Uuuhhmmm....notes?" "" " lesson?"
Before I tell you my answer to this question, think about how you would answer it if you were the piano student? Do you have a better one? Here's mine.
"No Sally, what you are looking at are just ink blots on paper. That's it. That's all you see here. There is no life in those ink blots or the paper they are printed on. There is no life in the piano you are playing on. It is just a mechanical device to make sounds. But music has life!!! When you hear a jazzy beat and start to tap your foot or swing to the music, that's life! When you hear a lullaby and it makes to want to rest, that's life. Music has power to affect us, but where does that energy come from?" "Uuuhhmmm....I don't know?"
"Well, let's think about this for a moment. The ink blots on the paper aren't alive, and the piano you're playing isn't alive, so what else could bring the music to life?"
"Uuuhhmmm....I don't know?"
"Are you alive, Sally?"
"Sure you are alive, and you have the power to bring this music to life." That's what learning to play the piano is all about."
You can do that by putting a little Sally into your playing. You have a great personality, Sally. Let it shine through in your music. Communicate each note like you would tell a personal story of interest to your best friend. It takes hard work and planning to learn to play the piano, Sally, but it also takes a little magic. And you have the magic it takes to bring ink blots on paper to life!"
To learn the best way to share the gift of music with children visit for my Piano Bears Musical Stories for Children The exciting Piano Bears Musical Stories for children ages 5 to 11 feature the loveable characters, Mrs. Treble Beary and her new piano student, Albeart Littlebud. Children love following along with Albeart to Mrs. Treble Beary's piano studio in Musical Acres Forest. Here they learn what piano lessons are all about in a fun way that kids readily understand and appreciate! Piano students laugh and giggle while reading "Little Bear's Musical Garden" and "Little Bear's Piano Goals."
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